The following is a press release from HonestReporting:
The Guardian has retracted its claim that Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel, writing unequivocally on Wednesday, ”we accept that it is wrong to state that Tel Aviv – the country’s financial and diplomatic centre – is the capital.”
The Guardian’s concession follows a threat of judicial review against the UK’s Press Complaints Commission by HonestReporting (advised by UK solicitors Asserson Law Offices).
The PCC, a regulatory body that ensures accuracy in the UK media initially ruled that The Guardian’s claim was correct. HonestReporting, along with noted UK lawyer Trevor Asserson, then took initial steps to file for a judicial review of the decision, forcing the PCC to withdraw its ruling and demand that The Guardian defend its position.
In response to HonestReporting’s pressure on the PCC, The Guardian backed down from its claim, issuing a correction. It also changed its style guide, which had stated that Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel, to reflect the correction.
Although The Guardian has been forced to withdraw its absurd suggestion regarding the status of Tel Aviv, the wording of The Guardian’s correction has not been agreed after the newspaper unilaterally terminated its negotiations with HonestReporting and the PCC.
HonestReporting still awaits a new ruling from the PCC to replace the faulty decision it issued in May and agreed to reconsider in July.
Here’s the Guardian’s correction:
Here’s a more detailed account by HonestReporting.
CiF Watch will provide more commentary on the Guardian’s stunning mea culpa later in the day.
Tagged: anti-Zionism, Comment is Free, Delegitimization, Guardian, HonestReporting, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv